Taste our delicious honey at a Craft Show or Festival near you, or order here and have it shipped for $7 50!

Galen Mayle
Owner, Beekeeper, Swarm Catcher, Extractor, Bottler, Labeler, Sampler and Sales

Several years ago, I decided to get two beehives as a hobby and to help with the pollination of my large backyard garden. Over the next few years, the garden got smaller, and the beehives thrived. After "retiring" from a small business, my passion for taking care of and managing the bees led to selling our surplus honey at a couple of local farmer markets and later at local fairs and festivals. I find it the perfect "jobby," a mix of job and hobby, which allows me to do as much beekeeping as I want, along with getting out and meeting new people. I have been asked to talk about my bees at various schools and clubs.

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